However, I think Mario Kart Maker as an actual game wouldn't be as fun as regular Mario Kart. The tracks wouldn't be as interesting or varied. The Mario Maker games are expansions to the classics. Mario Kart Maker would be a drop in quality for the sake of customisation. The engine is a mix of every game from the Mario series, including but not limited to Super Mario Bros. 1, 2, and 3, Super Mario World, Super Mario 64, and Super Mario Sunshine. After cancelling this engine, said he was making a better one. I was researching all the different game engines used in the past generation for an article I'm writing.

Below is a collection of GameMaker examples and tutorials I have created. Drop me a line if you want to know how I’ve achieved a certain effect in any of my work and I’ll see what I can do!
Examples and editables for past versions of GameMaker may not function or look the same as their newer counterparts.
3D Animated Water
A simple example of creating water with a seamless animation in 3D by using a dynamically drawn surface. Like some of the others below, this example uses a skybox technique created by Yourself, with a sky texture created in Terragen. You can move the view around with the mouse.
3D Camera
A basic 3D scene with an interactive camera. The camera and ball objects utilize a goal-oriented system to smooth movement, and can be moved around the scene with the arrow keys and numeric pad arrows respectively.
3D Day/Night Cycle
This example shows how to use dynamic light, fog, and sounds to create a convincing day/night cycle in 3D. The mouse can be used to move the cameras view around the scene.
3D Grass/Cylindrical World
A simple example of how to create a layered grass effect which repeats infinitely in all directions on a cylindrical world. Partially inspired by Animal Crossing, where a similar effect is employed. The grass and sky textures were all created in Photoshop from photos I took myself. Use the arrow keys to move the view around the scene.
3D Model Import & Simple UV Map
This is an extended example / tutorial to show how to import 3D models into Game Maker (using Mosaic Light by Zoltan Percsich), and how to set up UV mapping. The arrow keys move the camera around the scene. Press the space bar to load models. Note: There’s a much easier way to do this now, using Blender and an addon script I created. Check it out here!

3D Starfield
Replacing my old, and somewhat redundant night sky example is this 3D starfield example. This uses the same technique, plus some extra effects, to create a starfield simulation similar to the screensavers of the old days. Use the mouse to adjust the viewing angle. The old version of this example is still available as a Game Maker 8 download, but it is not the same as the updated examples for Studio.
3D Rain
This example shows one possible way for setting up a rain effect in 3D using simple models as the raindrops. Splash ripples run across the ground, and the background is drawn using a skybox. The original example is also available as a Game Maker 8 download, but it may have problems or run poorly, depending on your hardware.

3D Stencil/Outline Effect
The original title of this example, “3D Cel Shading,” wasn’t exactly right – though the shading on the shapes does look like cel shading, the example was actually created to showcase a technique for outlining 3D shapes. Two models are used, the first and smaller for coloring, and the second and larger as the outline, with normals reversed.
Faux Mode 7 Effect
Game Maker Mario Kart Engine Roblox
A basic example of how to use a combination of textures, models, billboards, and some camera tricks to create the modern equivalent of the old Super NES Mode 7 effect as seen in the original Mario Kart. This example uses GameMaker’s native 3D, and does not actually emulate real Mode 7, with all its jittery, nearest-neighbor transforms of old.
Path Outta Space – Path & Textured Vertex

This is a demo was originally supposed to be a screensaver, and it’s a good example of how to draw a textured polygon with vertexes, oriented to a path. The visuals were inspired by the Outta Space wallpapers by Philipp Antoni.
Particles: Realistic Fire Effect
A quick tutorial on how to create a realistic fire effect using GameMaker’s built-in particle system and some home-made sprites. Most of the emphasis is on writing GML to setup and control the particle system, but I’ve also included a little information about how to create the custom sprites, as well as a set of example files. Toasty!
Game Maker Mario Kart Engine Download
Particles: Fireworks
I noticed that I didn’t have my old fireworks demo posted anywhere here, so I decided to create a modern version in GameMaker: Studio and give it a new release. This example uses the built-in particle system to generate stars, smoke, and of course, the fireworks. The land and sky are also created when the demo launches, which means that there are no external assets necessary.
Abandoned Project: Mandelbrot Fractal Explorer
This is a small program that can render the Mandelbrot fractal. Clicking and dragging with the mouse allows you to “explore” the different regions of the fractal, and the mouse wheel can be used to zoom in and out. Each time the view is changed, the program will render a preview. Press the space bar to render a high-resolution version of the current view. The code can be modified to adjust the the precision of the rendering, as well as the colors used, the fractal formula, or anything else.
Abandoned Project: 3D First Person Shooter
A 3D FPS game that was started and never finished. The engine features walking, running, jumping, and shooting, as well as graphic effects like weapon bob and a skybox. Terrain has been implemented, and collisions for the player and projectiles mostly work, but are not entirely finished. Some simple sound effects are also included. Use the W, A, S, and D keys to move around, space to jump, shift to run, the mouse to look around, and left click to fire.
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