Nordiska Piano Serial Numbers
The age of your piano is determined by the serial number. The number is for the first piano made in year shown. There are times when your piano or number is not listed. We can help you find the year your piano was made. If you are unable to find the serial number piano we can research it for you or provide you with an approximate age with a photo. Nordiska: Made in: Vetland, Sweden: Made by: from about 1988: DongBei Piano Group Co: Rating (see Key) 50-60: Estimated Number In UK: 800 (Swedish); 50 Chinese: Year and serial number: 1961 – – – – 1011 2003 – 6011. Some pianos have several numbers displayed which are not all serial numbers. Most commonly serial numbers are a sequence of 4 or more numbers in a row.It’s rare to have a serial number with only 2 or 3 digits however some modern pianos also contain letters as well as numbers or letters only.

Action: Renner
Model: Futura 2
Serial number: 21744
Year of manufacture: 1966-69
Nordiska Baby Grand Piano Prices
Dimensions: 106 x 139 x 53

Condition soundboard: Good/Perfect
Condition base bridge: Good/Perfect
Condition treble bridge: Good/Perfect
Condition hammers: Good, 0,5 – 1,0 mm grooves

Condition case: Good overall but with wear
Condition keys: Perfect keys
Type of keys: White plastic
Condition base strings: Good
Condition treble strings: Good

Condition tuning pins: Loose, 4,0 Nm after slight hitting, 0,5 – 1,0 cm left to hit
Agraffes/pressure bar base: –
Agraffes/pressure bar middle: Pressure bar
Agraffes/pressure bar tenor: Pressure bar
Nordiska Piano Serial Numbers Age
Agraffes/pressure bar treble: Pressure bar
Moderator: Yes, felt in worn condition
Young Chang Piano Serial Numbers
Number of keys: 88
Nordiska Piano Price