How Do I Resize A Userform In Excel 2011 For Mac

How do i resize a userform in excel 2011 for mac 64-bit

  1. How Do I Resize A Userform In Excel 2011 For Macs
  2. How Do I Resize A Userform In Excel 2011 For Mac Os
  3. How Do I Resize A Userform In Excel 2011 For Mac Shortcut

Control how a chart moves and sizes with cells on the sheet Click anywhere in the chart. CONTROL+click or right-click, and then click Format Chart Area. In the Format Chart Area pane, under Chart Options, click the Size and Properties tab. Excel VBA Resize. Resize is a property available in VBA to change or resize the range of cells from the active cell as needed. For example, assume you are in the cell B5, and from this cell, if you want to select 3 rows and two columns, we can change the size of a range by using the RESIZE property of VBA.


How Do I Resize A Userform In Excel 2011 For Macs

StartUp Position UserForm

A UserForm object has a property named StartUpPosition. By default, this property is set to 1 (CenterOwner), which means that it should appear in the center of Excel's window. but if you use dual monitors this will not work correct in Excel for Windows and on a Mac also not if you use one screen.

On a Mac we have another problem because setting StartUpPosition to 1 will not work like in Windows
because it will center on your Mac and not in center of the Excel window, and also you have the same problem as in win Excel if you have more screens attached to your Mac.

How Do I Resize A Userform In Excel 2011 For Mac

Excel 2016 and higher

How Do I Resize A Userform In Excel 2011 For Mac Os

The code below will open a userform named UserForm1 and will work in Win and Mac Excel. The code for Mac and Windows are not the same for setting the top position of the userform because of a bug in Application.Top in Mac Office.

Excel 2011

How Do I Resize A Userform In Excel 2011 For Mac

How Do I Resize A Userform In Excel 2011 For Mac Shortcut

You can try the code below on a Mac in Excel 2011 to always open the userform in the center of your Excel window. Note: The code below will not work in 2016 and higher because the Macscript function is not working anymore in a lot of situations because of Apple Sandbox requirements.
The macro OpenUserform below will open a userform named 'UserForm1'
Note: The macro also use the function named GetExcelPositionAndSize, copy both the macro
and the function in a normal module of your workbook.